Helmi Naufal Zul’azmi is studying a master’s degree in Media and Cultural Studies at Gadjah Mada University. He has been exploring fantasy science fiction from a posthuman framework for his thesis. His first article “Praktik Peliyanan dan Pendisiplinan Tubuh Lewat Bahasa Kekerasan di Percakapan Twitter” was published in Sasdaya: Gadjah Mada Journal of Humanities. His most recent piece “Kucing Pororo: Upaya Melampaui Pesohor Internet” was published in 2023.
Ramayda Akmal (PhD) graduated from Gadjah Mada University and obtained a doctoral degree at the Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg. She is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. Her first novel Jatisaba won the 2010 Jakarta Arts Council Novel Writing Competition. Her second novel, Tango & Sadimin (2017), was the runner-up in the UNNES International Novel Writing Contest. Her latest work Aliansi Monyet Putih was published last year.
Becoming We: Posthuman Subjects in Mongrel
Abstract: This paper explores posthuman subjects formed through language in Mongrel, a climate-fiction series published in 2021. In posthumanism, there are extensive discussions about clones, hybrids, aliens, and cyborgs. However, the existence of shamanism, mythology, and technology intertwined with climate change has yet to be widely addressed. These components are critical in Mongrel. This paper uses a discursive approach and posthuman concepts to connect meaning, representation, and context. One of the posthuman conditions that befalls the characters in Mongrel is the ecological crisis. They respond to the crisis by planning and building paguyuban and strive for ethical relations by considering the needs of animals, plants, and robots when they reside in the same space. Basically, the formation of posthuman subjects refers to the ever-changing process of “becoming we.” Initially, it is a human and animal assemblage. Then, the alignment shifts to human, animal, technology, clone, shamanic processes, and Kalia dimension that enhance its capabilities. Even if “we” is made up of the same assemblage, its capabilities may change as a result of a readjustment of the shared understanding of the challenge or predicament at hand. In addition, there is the queer family that destabilizes the ideal family. Finally, there are also monsters who are an amalgamation of elements such as human, animal, technology, shamanic ceremonies, Kalia dimension, and mythological creatures.
Keywords: Mongrel, climate change, posthuman subjects, shaman, monsters